ISTAM’s Components’ Certifications

ACCREDIA KIWA EN 9104 – 001 – 2013.

ISTAM Certified Componentry. Certification ACCREDIA KIWA EN 9104-001-2013 for the safety of components and production of cold printed sheet metal parts and assembly of technologic subgroups.

ISTAM’s Components’ Certifications

ACCREDIA KIWA EN 9104-001-2013.

ISTAM Certified Componentry. Certification ACCREDIA KIWA EN 9104-001-2013 for the safety of components and production of cold printed sheet metal parts and assembly of technologic subgroups.


Products 100% certified.

Certification EN 9100:2018
ISO 9001:2015

ISTAM, in addition to quality, efficency and precision, offers you products 100% certified.

We don’t have anything to hide and neither we’d want to, due to the delicacy of the sectors in which we operate.

In particular, our certification “ACCREDIA KIWA EN 9104-001-2013” (Quality of the managements system certification) guarantees our competence for:

“Production of cold formed sheet metal details and assembly of technological subgroups for the industrial sector, aeronautical sector and automotive sector”

These certifications are issued by Kiwa Cermet Italia S.p.a. after precision and professional tests run by our company, and guarantee our complete reliability.

On an operational level, obtaining calibration certifications for our machinery has allowed us to increase the quality of our processes so that we do not stuble upon any “non-conformity” or “remark” during our Audits.

Our calibration tests, like specified in our certification, not only include components for the aeronautical sector (or aerospace sector), but also components for the industrial sector (includes the agricultural sector), the automotive sector and, in general, all production and design of metal components, sheet metal and cold formed sheet metal.

Here you can view the image of our certification, but if you have any further doubts do not hesitate to contat us.